At a recent member event for Rock Star Real Estate out of Oakville, Tom Karadza talked about the true cost of management fees charged by managed funds.
Tom quoted a recent book he was reading by Tony Robbins “Money Mastering The Game”. We heard about the hidden fees charged by managers. “Most people don’t do the math, and the fees are hidden. Try this, if you made a onetime investment of $10,000 at age twenty, and, assuming 7% annual growth over time, you would have $574,464 by the time you’re nearly my age[eighty]. But, if you paid 2.5% in total management fees and other expenses, your ending account balance would only be $140,274 over the same period.” Someone’s making out well in this scenario but it’s probably not you or I. So if mutual funds by the way of Registered Retirement Savings plan(RRSP) aren’t a rewarding way for Canadians to save, what is? To reduce the fees I was looking at paying, from purchasing RRSP’s, I opened a discount broker account at my bank. Which is a way for investors to self direct which stocks and bonds they wish to buy, but without all those fees. My choices to buy were well established companies stock at a fairly steep price or lesser known ones that may be equivalent to rolling a pair of di’. I liked the idea of buying funds that paid you back(dividends), however it would take years to make any significant gains and get a decent return on my investment. Through more investigation and planning, I realized if I saved that same amount that was set aside for mutual funds and paid down the mortgage on my investment properties I would get a nice return later. The benefits of owning Real Estate in Ontario are 3 fold.
Over the years as living expenses has increased I plan on keeping up by making the rental price adjustments necessary. As for my would be RRSP’s hopefully at retirement they would be there when I need them. I choose something not so easily evaporated with market volatility!
Here's how to find five star tenants
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AuthorGlenn Brown is owner of My Rental Unit property management and has enjoyed success with multiple unit investing. TOpics
February 2016